Compare Trading Accounts

Available on desktop, mobile and through the WorldTradex App, the myHF area is an all-in-one account managementsolution and a virtual gateway to all the services offered by WorldTradex. Our mission is to provide the best customer service to our clients by maintaining a superb client-centric culture. WorldTradex aims to lead the way through the use of cutting-edge technology, innovative system solutions and unrivalled customer service. Prior to investing in a PAMM Manager you need to carefully consider any risks including but not limited to those involved in trading. Therefore, HF Markets (SV) Ltd. is under no circumstances, liable and/or responsible for any losses that arise out of the use of WorldTradex PAMM Program.

  • An advanced trader with trading experience, can become aStrategy Provider and display their trading strategy, knowledge, and expertisein exchange for a performance fee based on copy trades.
  • The more clients you introduce, the more you earn, creating a win-win situation where both your earnings and your influence grow.
  • They provide the option of Premium, Pro, Zero, and Cent accounts, catering to both novice and experienced traders.
  • The main goal here is to allow novice traders to trade on live markets with much lower risks than other accounts.
  • Go short or long on Forex CFDs, take advantage of the superior trading conditions offered by WorldTradex and become an active forex trader in the global markets.
  • Our exclusive trading tools will help you take your trading experience to the next level.


The platform, coupled with excellent customer support, is known for its efficiency. Traders appreciate the hassle-free account opening process, reflecting WorldTradex’s commitment to user convenience and satisfaction. Overall, trading Forex can offer numerous opportunities for profit, but it also carries a high level of risk of loss. Therefore, it’s important to approach Forex trading with a sound trading plan and a disciplined approach to risk management. At WorldTradex, you can access a wide variety of educational resources to help you improve your trading skills. This new multi-panel user interface, with a dockable panel, was specifically developed to incorporate many of the advanced features of the iPad device.

HFCopy Account

The three most attractive tools offered to traders are thePremium Trader Tools, the Autochartist tool, and VPS Hosting. Forex tradersalso get a range of different calculators, which will help them determinecritical aspects of each trade. The platform is packed with a series of helpfulfeatures to enhance the trading platform, allow for a quick and simple overviewof the Forex market, and customize how you trade. Forex, short for foreign exchange, is a decentralized global market where currencies are traded. One of the key advantages of forex trading is that it allows individuals and institutions to seize trading opportunities on currency volatility. These platforms are perfectly equipped traders’ workplaces which offer a number of impressive analytical tools.

WorldTradex Account types

WorldTradex positions itself as a competitive player in the market, offering a compelling proposition to traders. Since 2010, WorldTradex has enabled traders to explore opportunities in the financial markets. We have transformed into a one-stop hub for advanced technology, comprehensive education, and the finest trading conditions. Our mission is to offer superior customer service by fostering an exceptional client-centric culture. WorldTradex aspires to lead the industry through the adoption of cutting-edge technology, innovative system solutions, and unparalleled customer service. The pro account is for traders who want to speculate on Forex and other markets with zero or super-low commissions.


Access a wide range of desktop, web and mobile Trading Platforms including the WorldTradex platform, MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5. By trading Forex CFDs, individuals can buy and sell currencies with the aim of making a profit from the difference in exchange rates. For example, if you believe that the value of the US Dollar will increase against the Euro, you can buy US Dollars with Euros at the current exchange rate. If your prediction is correct and the value of the US Dollar does increase, you can sell your US Dollars for more Euros than you originally paid, making a profit. Specially designed to offer you the advantage of trading on the go with full functionality,provided you have either a wireless or mobile internet connection available. You may continue navigating our website if YOU ARE NOT a U.S. citizen or resident, otherwise, you may leave this site.

Eachpartner is linked with a Personal Account Manager to make sure their plans aresuccessful. The demo platform willhave $100,000 virtual money when you open the account, where you can check yourtrading strategies under close to actual market conditions. WorldTradex is under stringent oversight, ensuring a secure trading environment. These currency pairs are referred to as major currency pairs, and they account for more than 80% of the daily trading volume in the Forex market.

  • The Copy account allows you to track the leading traders andcopy their trades.
  • No commission involved, but you have to account for thevariable spread (a benchmark figure of 1.3 pips).
  • Since 2010, WorldTradex has empowered traders to pursue opportunities in the financial markets.
  • This is a share of the Performance Fee generated by the followers you introduce.
  • Prior to investing in a PAMM Manager you need to carefully consider any risks including but not limited to those involved in trading.
  • This account type is the same as the Premium or Zero SpreadAccount but follows Islamic law and therefore is a swap-free account.

Our exclusive trading tools will help you take your trading experience to the next level. The WorldTradex WebTerminals are cutting-edge, user-friendly trading platforms that allow efficient trading directly from your web browser, without the need of downloading any additional software. Please be advised that we do not offer any of our services to U.S. citizens or residents. Pro account is developed to suit the needs of a more experienced trader who wants to level up their trading.

Tot ce trebuie să știi despre CORONAVIRUS, dacă ești gravidă

Bună, dragile mele graviduțe!

Pentru că isteria virusului SARS-CoV-2 a luat proporții uriașe, și pentru că observ doar panică în jurul meu, m-am hotărât să scriu acest articol pe care îl dedic în special viitoarelor mămici.

Așadar, vă invit să rămâneți alături de mine până la finalul articolului, pentru că urmează să citiți lucruri interesante și utile despre acest virus. Spor la treabă!

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De ce îmi cade părul în timpul sarcinii?

Bună, dragile mele graviduțe!

După cum vă povesteam în articolul anterior publicat pe blog, odată cu graviditatea pot apărea o serie de simptome neplăcute și deranjante pentru majoritatea dintre noi.

Printre aceste simptome se regăsește și căderea părului pe parcursul sarcinii, repectiv în postpartum (după naștere).

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7 remedii sigure pentru tratarea constipației și balonării în sarcină

Bună, dragile mele graviduțe!

Vă simțiți mereu balonate? Aveți probleme cu tranzitul intestinal? Nu vă descurajați! Există remedii!

Dragile mele, tulburările gastrointestinale (GI) cu debut în sarcină (stările de greață/voma, balonarea, constipația) reprezintă unul dintre principalele motive pentru care gravidele se adresează medicului curant.

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Fibromul uterin în sarcină

Bună, dragile mele graviduțe!

Astăzi revin pe blog cu un subiect solicitat de foarte multe dintre voi în mesajele primite pe pagina de facebook Dr Alexandra Bruja, precum și pe adresa de e-mail a blogului,

Este vorba despre fibromul uterin în sarcină. Pentru că încă există neclarități despre ce se întâmplă cu fibromul uterin pe parcursul unei sarcini și despre complicațiile acestuia în sarcină, vă invit să rămâneți alături de mine până la finalul articolului. Vă urez spor la citit! 😊

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Ce trebuie să știm despre placenta praevia?

Bună, dragile mele graviduțe!

În articolul de astăzi voi vorbi despre cea mai comună cauză pentru sângerarea pe cale vaginală antepartum, și anume placenta jos inserată, placenta praevia. Am ales să dezvolt acest subiect pentru că este cel mai solicitat de voi, în mesajelor primite pe adresa de e-mail a blogului,

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